Here goes nothing..

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10pm on a Monday night and I’ve found myself here.. bought myself a place to share my thoughts in such a vulnerable way. Why you may be asking or why the sudden desire? I guess from an early age I was always into sharing my thoughts on paper, always passionate about sharing my emotions. Quite possibly the only way I felt heard by myself in one respect. Yet somehow I’m back here, just as I was when I was a little girl by myself, although years later I’m without a pen and paper, only a laptop and the sound of multiple windchimes blowing on the balcony.

For many years I’ve toyed with an idea of someday writing a book, however I’ve never fully committed to that.. love the idea but i guess the fear of a true picture and the sense of judgement has most possibly been the biggest obstacle. I always wanted to help heal others with the same emotions and trauma or trauma in general i guess. Feelings of the same amount of hurt and grief. People who can feel they are not alone and are not the only ones facing the same feelings in this crazy yet beautiful life we lead.

By now I guess you are probably wondering who I am, and if I am a person of only deep grief negativity, trauma and darkness.. well no I am not.. I do have those aspects that I will speak of in great depth as time goes on, however I am also a person of deep passion, optimism, high energy and a greatness for personal development.

We all have a story, some share theirs and some don’t. At almost 35 with a family now of my own I believe my story is to be told in my time, in my way and in my memories.

I am no different to anyone else around this world however i hope to bring comfort through my life memories, daily thoughts and personal progression.

In my blog I will speak of some of the following-

Motherhood from the age of 16

Childhood abandonment


Mental Health



And most of all.. the battle I have with myself as I navigate life.

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